Thursday, November 3, 2011

Greetings from Week 6

Or “Why I am not on Twitter: This is my idea of a brief update”

So, in no particular order, here’s what’s going on in my life:

Has this ever happened to you? You’re listening to the radio, and a commercial comes on—you change it, only to realize that every other station decided to play commercials right then as well...  Of course not.  Who listens to the radio anymore?  But regardless, that’s a good way of describing how midterms are going.  Just when I thought I was starting to get a handle on things, it turns out I have three midterms, two projects, and two graded assignments due.  So that sucks.

For the first time in quite some time, I have absolutely no professional obligations, and since I have never participated fully before, I am officially partaking in No Shave November, which Urban Dictionary defines as:
The month of November in which you don't shave any hair of your body but instead you grow more bestial, brutish, and manly.  It only becomes acceptable to shave again on December 1st.
"Before" -- Taken on November 1st
I have plans to take a picture every day, but we’ll see how successful that is.  Regardless, I should have a wicked awesome beard in about a month.

My initial predictions regarding how interesting and/or difficult my courses would be are, as usual, painfully inaccurate.  Calculus is killing me, no thanks to the horrid teaching.   The material isn’t hard, but the professor makes it hard. Circuit analysis is boring but quite easy.  My microprocessors class is still a bit up in the air: It’s certainly my favorite class, but my grades on the homework leave a bit to be desired.  Basically my worst, hardest, most frustrating class (Calc II) is the one with the easiest content.  Go figure.

I have a roommate now!  Beth and I had been talking for a while about finding a roommate, but it didn’t seem even remotely like a real possibility.  We certainly weren’t going to put an ad on craigslist, and we couldn’t think of anyone that we knew who needed a place and we wanted to live with.  Long story short, a good friend of mine (one of my groomsmen, actually) needed a place to stay in Portland with very little notice, and after giving it some thought, we decided to give it a go. 

Not much to say here: He’s getting huge, just like we knew he would.  He no longer looks like an freakishly large puppy—now he just looks like a strangely small dog. 
What happened?!
Also, he desperately wants to play with Yoda, and she is most certainly not amused with this new development in behavior.

Really more of a thought than a fully developed idea… I am more than halfway through the term, and then I have only two more before I start my masters!! Holy crap! 

Again, not much to say here, but I am working on a resume that I will be submitting to Intel very shortly.  They are already looking for summer interns, so keep your fingers crossed for me.  Wait, no, I don’t believe in that crap.   But I do hope it pans out.

That’s about it for now.  I had better get back to coding ARM/XScale assembly language instructions…

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