Sunday, April 15, 2012

Even more good news before I disappear for 3 more months

Spring break is really never long enough.  I feel like it takes me at least 5 days just to recover and another 3 or 4 to buy books and get my ass in gear again.  And that puts me at Tuesday or Wednesday of week 1 before I’m literate/dressing myself again.   This was all certainly the case this year as well.   Fortunately, the term has been relatively slow to start—with professors being pretty lax on assigning work and reading—but I get the feeling that things should start blowing up in my face in no time flat. 

So before I have to get back to business I have (even more) good news to share.  (After the tone of this post and the previous, I should be able to pretty much whine and complain about how hard my life is for the rest of the year and still break even).

I finally got my grades from last term, and I am very proud to say I got straight A’s. 
It’s not because I haven’t gotten 4.0’s before—its because I took three extremely challenging courses with well-known reputations among my peers for obliterating GPAs.  I had adjusted my expectations accordingly, and after finals, I wasn’t sure that I would even get a single A.  I don’t want to go on and on about this, so I’ll just say that the Junior year classes are infamously difficult, and I feel a large sense of accomplishment having escaped unscathed.

I also just recently ran my first 5k in 30:36, and managed to do it without stopping even once.  In your face, legs/respiratory system! Of course, since Beth is currently training for a half-marathon right now, that's basically her warm up routine, but it’s been a goal of mine for a while so I’m glad to have completed it.  I hope to trim my time down significantly before I try anything longer, like a 10k.

Additionally, my internship is awesome.  It deserves a post of it’s own, so hopefully I will have time for that in the near future.  For now I should just say that choosing my own schedule, working independently, being entrusted with actual responsibilities, and flying around on a charter jet are some of the aspects I’m enjoying most so far.

Finally, why don't you enter your email over to the right where it says "Follow by Email" and click submit?  I have one single follower.  I'm sure he's lonely. 

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