Friday, April 8, 2011

And they're on the way.

First, a quick update:  You will no longer need to sign in with any sort of account to leave comments. 

I'm almost caught up from missing a week of classes.  Things worked out much better than they could have-- A few lecture and lab cancelations in the first two weeks made things considerably more managable.  I'm working on a big update about all the cool stuff we did and saw in Hawaii, but as of yet I haven't even pulled the pictures off of my camera.  So that should happen eventually.

In the time being, here's a wonderful interaction I wittnessed at Starbucks late yesterday morning. It was about 10:30 or so, so it was no longer packed.  There were a lot of regulars dropping in and out in no particular hurry.  There is no line to speak of.  A woman enters and walks quickly to the front counter.

Barista:  "Good Morning.  Can I get something started for you?"
Woman:  (speaking quickly) "What's your name?"
Barista:  "My name is Steve..."
Woman: "Do you work here?"
Barista: (wearing full Starbucks green regalia) "I sure do. Can I--"
Woman: (interrupting, very matter-of-fact tone) "No.  You don't."  (pauses briefly) "And they're on their way."  (turns to leave)
Barista: "Alright then.  Thank you.  Have a nice day."
(The woman has left the building before he finishes saying "Have a..."

Customer service + Insanity = Hilarity.

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