Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A brief encounter with “free time”

I really thought once CS 163 was over, things would be far easier academically.  This would have been true, had I not fallen behind in Calculus trying to keep up with 163.  The way things worked out, I ended up being slammed right up until the final.  My studying paid off though, and I was pleasantly surprised to see that I got an A in calculus as opposed to the B I was counting on.  So in the end, I got a 4.0 this summer! 

It’s really starting to seem like I can see the light at the end of the tunnel that is my post-bac.  So I guess really, I can see the entrance the next tunnel that is my masters.  But so far everything is going great, and every 4.0 I get is just one more reason for them to let me into the master’s program.  Case in point, last received word from my advisor that if I keep getting grades like that, he will waive the GRE requirement if for some reason I need to take it. 

Right now I am scheduled to take ECE 371 – Microprocessors, ECE 221 – Circuit Analysis, and MA 252 – Calc II.  I’m really excited about 371 and 221, but Calc II is proving already to be a chore, as I cannot take it at PCC due to schedule conflicts.  Surely you must remember how much I love paying triple for an inferior education via PSU’s horrendous math department.  Right now, all the classes are full, so I have been begging the professors to let me in, as not taking 252 next term would pretty much fuck everything up for me.  I’ll get in somehow though.  More on that as it develops. 

My time off is absolutely flying, and its hard to believe I am already nearly a third of the way through it.  The first week hardly felt like time off, as I was finishing all the little tasks and projects that had accumulated over the last 6 months.  Now I am finally relaxing, playing with the dog, and keeping my mind sharp with minecraft, which I believe was created with the sole purpose of disrupting the careers of engineers worldwide.   (Check that link out.  Especially the fully functional 16-bit computer built from scratch using wires and AND/OR gates INSIDE MINECRAFT!!)

Speaking of relaxing and playing with the dog, here’s a video that I threw together this morning.  I was actually listening to that song while I was playing with Jackson, and I thought “man, this is really just a prefect song for this situation.”  So then I made this.  Enjoy!

(Click the video while playing to watch in higher quality on YouTube)

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