Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Grades Arrive

First of all, I just wasted a considerable amount of time at

Second, I just got some extremely good news about my progress so far this term, which I will summarize with the following image I just made. 

Despite how that may come off, my intent is not to gloat.  I'm just extremely happy.  This is really good news for me, as it means it is very likely I will be able to start my grad program on schedule.

I would have been happy with a lot less.  Particularly on the midterm.   The assignments are one thing;  I am fortunate enough to have very knowledgeable friends willing to spend a lot of their time helping me learn and assisting me with the assignments.  Not to mention, I get a week or two to do each one, and I get to use a compiler that tells me when I do things wrong.  So really, I have a fighting chance.

The midterm was different.  It was 4 hours long, 4 pages of handwritten code and I had no friends to help me and no computer to check my work.   I absolutely hate coding by hand.  It's really easy to omit something or use the wrong character somewhere in the line:
     while (*title) sum += *title++; 
and not notice.  Furthermore, half of the test was based around recursion (definition: re·cur·sion (noun): see recursion.) which is a method I have no prior experience with, even on the assignments.  So I basically had to learn it on the test.  I used every minute of the 4 hour period. I was the last person to turn in a test and leave the room. I couldn't think for the rest of the day.

But whatever I'm doing, it's working, and I am so relieved.  I just have to keep doing it for 3 more weeks. Then I will only be taking one class, and I should be able to relax a bit...  Note the operative word in that previous sentence and keep your fingers crossed for me.

1 comment:

Kane said...

So it looks like you made the right choice by staying in the class huh? Well congrats and I hope you finish as strongly as you've started!

But if you don't just remember,this whole computers thing is really just a fad so it's not that important.